Indian Army hits back: Major among 8 Pakistanis killed

Indian Army hits back: Major among 8 Pakistanis killed

On Monday, the Indian Army hit back at Pakistan in retaliation to the unprovoked firing. The Army said that seven Pakistani soldiers including a Major had been killed in action along the Line of Control in Janglote area opposite the Mendhar sector.
The Pakistan Major has been identified as Ahmed. Army sources, however, said that there was no raid that was conducted across the LoC. The casualties on the Pakistani side occurred during an effective counter to the ceasefire violation. On Saturday, Lance Naik Yogesh Muralidhar Bhandane was killed in firing from across the LoC. India retaliated strongly on Saturday and the same continued on Monday as well. On Monday due to heavy retaliation from the Indian side, seven Pakistani soldiers and a Major were killed. The dead were from the 801 Mujahid Battalion which falls under the PoK Brigade. The retaliation on Monday began when the Indian Army noticed movement by Pakistan forces opposite the Mendhar sector. The Pakistani troops resorted to unprovoked firing and this was retaliated to by India.
Pakistan has however said that only four of their troops had died. A statement issued by Pakistani Major General Asif Ghafoor said, ” Pakistani soldiers attained shahadat along the LoC in Jandrot, Kotli sector. Troops were busy in line communication maintenance when they were fired upon and hit by heavy mortar round… Exchange of fire killed three Indian soldiers while a few (were) injured.” The Indian Army has however denied the three casualties as had been stated by Pakistan.