Gabriel Garcia Marquez Is Today's Google Doodle: A Look At Colombian Author's Famous Works

gabriel garcia marquez

NEW DELHI: Google pays tribute to Colombian creator, columnist and Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez, tenderly called Gabo, on his 91st birthday today by regarding him with a Google Doodle. The Google Doodle, portrays the mystical city of Macondo, enlivened by the writer in his book, ‘A Hundred Years of Solitude’ with these words: “Somewhere down in the Amazonian wilderness, through the rich green overhang and multi-tinted vibrance of the hot and sticky rainforest, look painstakingly and you may get a look at a city of mirrors; a city isolated from the world by a breadth of water but then reflecting everything in and about it; a city that is home to the Buendia family and the site of weird powerful happenings.”
Conceived in Aracataca, Colombia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez is viewed as a standout amongst the most productive creators of the twentieth century. In his long artistic profession, he penned more than 25 books, transporting perusers into a universe of “mystical authenticity”, says Google in a post.

Here’s a gander at Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s celebrated abstract works:

Among the novellas, Leaf Storm was Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s first novella and was distributed in 1955. Every one of the occasions of the novella occurs in one room, amid a half-hour time frame and the story spins around an old colonel who tries to give a legitimate Christian internment to a disliked French specialist.
One Hundred Years Of Solitude: Gabriel Garcia Marquez burned through a year and a half to compose this novel that was distributed in 1967. It annals a few ages of the Buendia family from the time they established the anecdotal South American town of Macondo, through their hardships, examples of interbreeding, births, and passings.
The Autumn of the Patriarch was distributed in 1975. This novel, as indicated by the creator, is a “sonnet on the isolation of energy”. It takes after the life of an interminable tyrant known as the General.
Annal of a Death Foretold, a holding novella by the creator, was distributed in 1981. The plot of the novel spins around Santiago Nasar’s murder. In the story, the storyteller goes about as a criminologist and reveals the occasions of the murder.
Love in the Time of Cholera turned out in 1985. The non-customary romantic tale rotates around two couples. One of the couples was in their seventies when passing was around them.
Some of his different popular works incorporate verifiable works – News of a Kidnapping, Living to Tell the Tale, The Solitude of Latin America among others. He has additionally penned down short stories like Strange Pilgrims, Big Mama’s Funeral, Eyes of a Blue Dog among others.
For his commitment to writing, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was granted the Nobel Prize in 1982.